Deep Ecology Artist Residency

Date: July 22 - August 5, 2024

Location: United Plant Savers Sanctuary - Rutland, Ohio and The Brickhouse Apothecary - Pomeroy, Ohio

Filmed on-site at the 370-acre United Plant Savers botanical sanctuary as part of the Deep Ecology Artist Residency, this short film is an exploration of promise and play through the flourishing prairies and green valleys.

A promise to tend sweetly to the land that encompasses our reason and to play for a lifetime into the endless gullies of purpose.

Featured is a land rich in biodiversity where nature and art are one; one informs the other and a symbiotic relationship is made. Gone are the days when we wonder about the salvation of medicinal herbs and instead act upon the reciprocity needed to be a steward. We give thanks to Golden Seal, Butterflyweed, Black Cohosh, Ginseng, Wild Yam, and the many other plant allies peeking out the library window, settled with ease.

Here, they are safe.

Special thanks to

